Category: Federal Criminal Appeals

Federal Offenses in Airports or Airlines

Getting through the airport and catching your flight on time is already stressful enough. Imagine being charged with a federal offense while inside an airport or flying on a commercial airline. Do different laws apply when you’re traveling? What happens if you’re charged with a federal offense in an airport or on a plane? Because…

Netflix Making a Murderer Why You Need an Experienced Federal Criminal Appeal Attorney

Leading Lawyer Mick Mickelsen Explains Why experience matter in Federal Criminal defense cases if you have been watching Netflix Making a Murderer! When you’re a criminal defendant, it’s normal to feel frightened about the outcome of your case. In a federal criminal appeal, however, the stakes are much higher. You’re asking the appellate court to…

Report Makes Recommendations for Use of Police Body Cameras

Many police departments have started wearing body cameras that record their encounters with citizens. In recent years, there have been numerous high profile incidents involving allegations of police misconduct that led to the death of a suspect. In response, many police departments have started wearing body cameras that record their encounters with citizens. But how…

Dallas Federal Criminal Lawyer Mick Mickelsen Goes Over FBI Errors

FBI Errors Cause Courts to Take a Second Look at Convictions You don’t have to look far to get concrete evidence that the FBI is far from perfect. In fact, the agency flat-out admits it. In a 2015 press release, the nation’s top criminal investigation agency stated that “at least 90 percent of the trial…

Robert Wayne Harris looks set to be the eighth man to be executed in Texas this year after the Court of Criminal Appeals denied the death row inmate a stay of execution. The judges decided against stopping the execution, despite some disturbing evidence about the adequacy of the original defense case more than a decade…

Clint Broden was hired to represent a client on appeal after the client was convicted of three counts of money laundering, a white collar crime, in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas. The client was sentenced to 252 months (21 years) in federal prison. Even with good-time credit, the client…

On December 10, 2008, the Court of Criminal Appeals (the Texas Supreme Court for Criminal Cases), in a case that I argued, handed down a decision reversing the lower court. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is arguably the most unfriendly appellate court for criminal defendants in the country, so anytime a defendant wins in…

In the annual 2013 report issued by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, it was estimated that the Court granted oral argument in 10.5% or criminal cases. The Report also indicates that the reversal rate in the Fifth Circuit is approximately 6.6% in criminal cases. In contrast, Clint Broden has obtained…