Author: Broden & Mickelsen, LLP
Two federal cases this year demonstrate the measures authorities are taking to fight recent healthcare fraud in Texas. In one case, a Texas couple that owned and operated several group homes was sentenced to 60 months in prison for engaging in a $1 million Medicare fraud scheme to send residents to a community health center in…

You might have heard the word “warrant,” but did you know there are different kinds of warrants? There are bench warrants and arrest warrants, which might be issued at different times and under different circumstances. If you believe you are subject to a bench warrant or arrest warrant, contact the experienced Texas criminal defense attorneys…

We fiercely value our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in Texas, which is why we enjoy some of the least invasive gun laws in the country. However, the sale, purchase, and possession of guns are still tightly regulated. It’s easy to run into trouble if you don’t know and follow the rules….

Aggravating Factors and Special Circumstances Explained by DFW Defense Attorney Texas law differs from federal law and other state laws in that it does not distinguish different degrees of murder. Instead, there are four kinds of criminal homicide in Texas: capital murder, murder, manslaughter, and criminally negligent homicide. In this article, we explain the differences…

In Texas, as in many other jurisdictions within the United States and around the world, sexual assault is defined by the Texas Penal Code as follows. “(1) the person intentionally or knowingly: causes the penetration of the anus or sexual organ of another person by any means, without that person’s consent; causes the penetration of…

Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s controversial “catch and jail” border crackdown has left hundreds of migrants languishing for months in jail before they can even appear before a judge, according to reports. The Texas Tribune reported retired judges and prosecutors from across Texas have been enlisted to help process a constant stream of new cases after…

Increasing numbers of young people are turning to apps such as Snapchat and TikTok during the ongoing pandemic, leading to a proliferation in online threats and a headache for schools and law enforcement. In some cases, alleged threats made on these sites have resulted in serious charges against juveniles. This month in Texas, three students…

James Holmes, Jeffery Dalmer, Eric Williams; all of these individuals have been represented by criminal defense attorneys. I’m often asked, and I know that many people want to ask but think it impolite to do so, how can I stand to represent people who have committed horrible crimes? A related question is, “How do you…

Prosecutions of white-collar crimes have fallen in recent years. However, the Department of Justice recently signaled its intention to crack down on corporate offenses. Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco revealed she intends to roll back the Trump administration’s apparent backpedaling on the prosecution of financial crimes such as fraud, in an interview in October. Recent…

Dallas police have struggled to contain a rise in violent crime in the city in recent years. However, a new initiative to target crime hotspots in the city appears to be having a positive impact. In November, Dallas City Council members Monday praised progress from Chief Eddie Garcia’s violent crime plan as the police department…